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Gaia is the goddess who personifies earth in Greek mythology. She is the ancestral mother of all life on earth. According to folklore, chaos existed before all else, and the universe was a dark void until Gaia came into existence. She was the first deity to rise from the chaos and shaped the skies, mountains, seas, and rivers of the earth. 


In modern times Gaia is often used in referencing James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis. Lovelock theorized that the earth is a single organism; a self-regulating complex system composed of living and non-living organisms interacting in synergy with each other.


Gaia is also commonly referred to as Mother Earth. Recently, Bolivia passed a historic bill, Law of Mother Earth. The law gives nature legal rights for regeneration, biodiversity, water, clear air, balance, and restoration. It mirrors the Gaia hypothesis, stating that “Mother earth is a living dynamic system made up of the undivided community of all living beings, who are all interconnected, interdependent, and complementary, sharing a common destiny.” 



Tales For Gaia is a platform to share stories of conservation for Gaia to hear.

Someone on our team is always happy to chat - from initial tale development to posting your final draft. Check out our contact form above and we will be in touch!


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